Friday, 28 March 2014


If you type google grvity and click on the I'm Feeling Lucky button
 all the elements on the pagewill fall down.You can play with them by clicking an moving the mouse over them.


  1. Sometimes, I am totally amazed at how folks get to my blogs, too! That's a great link.
    Joseph Donahue

  2. you dont really have to press the i am feeling lucky what i did is just search the thing and then click the very first site and it will eventually appear i dont really knoe but that worked for me i have no idea if its going to work for you .

  3. Lol he says on Google gravity Google has lost his gravity and I don't think that's how physics works... When he typed it in and it fell down isn't that gaining gravity? hmm I need to check again.
    Kelly Hubbard

  4. Lol he says on Google gravity Google has lost his gravity and I don't think that's how physics works... When he typed it in and it fell down isn't that gaining gravity? hmm I need to check again...
    Harold Burton

  5. Okay after you do all those tricks how do you get Google back to normal again?
    Jayme Silvestri
